Anytime, Anywhere care

Ever TeleMedicine

Provide patients with multiple ways to access their doctors, and reduce care gaps between visits. Whilst doctors can contact patients in more ways than before, just in case there are any questions left unanswered.

  • Support for multiple communication channels
  • Follow-up via the patient engagement dashboard
  • No geographical constraints; reach the provider who will best solve your problem
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Proud Winner of Thailand's 2022 National Innovation Award

Outstanding product and service design
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Removing care gaps, improving results

Connect whichever way suits your needs best

The TeleMedicine app provides convenient multimodal access to your doctor's expertise: from text, audio call, and video consultations.

After your consultation, patients can follow up with questions and doctors can follow up with recommendations on our patient engagement portal.

Maximizing convenience, ensuring access

TelePharmacy provides seamless access to medicine

Your healthcare provider can order your prescriptions right after the consultation, where the patient will then be prompted to a follow-up consultation with a pharmacist.

Patients can enter their location to find pharmacies nearby or get their medicine delivered via our integration with a local delivery partner.

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Implement our products how you want, we're flexible.

We offer two ways to get started. Our team of experienced enginners, analysts, and designers will guide you through the process to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Take the EverApp as-is, right out of the box

Given our product is now live in Thailand, we understand the steps necessary to deploy it in your own country or network. Simply work with our team to onboard physicians, integrate with a payment gateway, and connect local pharmacies, and you're all ready to go!

Contact us
White-label our product

We understand that you may have specific requirements, so we offer the option to leverage our state-of-the-art backbone architecture, whilst you work with our team of designers to customize your UI, and our team of engineers to configure any necessary features.

Learn about our previous implementation

Patients are demanding novel ways to access care; let us help you stay ahead

At Ever, we believe that administrative effort should not burden good healthcare and good medicine.

Connect with us and tell us what you need.